How To Use Our Service

You can shop in Korea and have packages forwarded to anywhere in the world. You can use our service with 2 simple steps

1. Shop Online & Ship To Kstairway

Kstairway offers you a free Korean address for shipping, which you can use to deliver your products after purchasing from any Korean online. We will forward your purchased goods directly to you no matter where you are in the world. You can view this video to know how to use Kstairway address on one of korean online shop (Weverse shop)

Our Address

Korean Version

서울 특별시 은평구 응암동 419-250 지하1층 ZIP 03467
Phone : +8210-7622-6372

English Version

B1, 20, Eungam-ro 22-gil, Eunpyeong-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea ZIP 03467
Phone : +8210-7622-6372


If your name is Daniel. You can fill form

*Name : Daniel
*Address: 서울 특별시 은평구 응암동 419-250 지하1층Daniel Insta
*Postal Code : 03467

2. Request For A Consolidation

Your products are ready to ship to you once they have arrived at our warehouse. You can make request for consolidation whenever you like. Customers can keep their package for up to two months in total. After two months without notice, the customer’s packages will be out of our control and custody. 

For standard,  we only pack the items you wrote on the list. Any sufficient items due to customer error in writing the consolidation form are beyond KStairway responsibility


These are Kstairway’s warehouse fees. If you’re sent the packages to our warehouse or used our assisted purchase service, we will calculate the warehouse fee from the day the first package arrives at our warehouse until the consolidation/packing day. If your items exceed your given personal space volume, we will put the remaining into the new box/personal space meaning that we will charge you another warehouse fee (each personal space = each warehouse fee).

Free Storage

Free for 30 days (from the date of  receipt). After that we will charge $1 per day per box ​

Packaging Fee

Packaing Fee will start from 5.000 KRW up to 45.000 KRW per consolidated request

Premium Service

Box 1 (1 kg) : 10,000 KRW
Box 2 (3 kg) : 20,000 KRW
Box 3 (5 kg) : 25,000 KRW
Box 4 (10 kg ): 35,000 KRW
Box 5 (20 kg) : 40,000 KRW
Box 6 (35 kg) : 45,000 KRW

Standard Service

Box 1 (1 kg) : 5,000 KRW
Box 2 (3 kg) : 15,000 KRW
Box 3 (5 kg) : 20,000 KRW
Box 4 (10 kg) : 30,000 KRW
Box 5 (20 kg) : 35,000 KRW
Box 6 (35 kg) : 40,000 KRW


Photography will charge $0,5 per item box

Extra Bubble Wrap

We will charge $5 per consolidated box for extra bubble wrap customer request

Counting & Identifation Item

We will charge $5 per consolidated box for counting and identification request from customer

Unseal Request

Unseal Request will charge $2 per item

Vacuum Packaging

Vacuum Packaging will charge $5 usd per item


Repacking Box (Already Seal) will charge $20

Shipping Partner

We have partnership with top global shipping company like Fedex, DHL, and EMS. We have exclusive shipping rate for our customer

In summary, you are only required to pay for these things while using our warehouse services

Warehouse Fee

We will count from the day the first package arrives at our warehouse until the consolidation / packing day

Delivery Fee

We will count your shipping or delivery fee. You can choose which shipping company you want

Packaging Fee

We charge packaging fee for your consolidation request. We try give you best deal for packaging fee

Delivery Limit & Fee

These are the rules set by the delivery company. If your items exceed the limit, we will send the remaining in the next parcel

Fedex, DHL, & EMS

Weight limit 30 kg
Volume not exceed 150 cm

Sea & Air Cargo

Weight limit 20 kg
Volume not exceed 120 cm


Weight limit 1,5 kg
Volume not exceed 30 cm

Umac / Gold Star Express*

Weight unlimited
Not exceed the given box

*For Gold Star Express Philippines only, our packing fee for a Jumbo box is 55 USD, a regular box is 30 USD, and a mini box is 15 USD. Shipping fee is not included

Contact Us

Do not hesistant to contact us. We will help you all we can